As an Independent Jewelry Appraiser and Graduate Gemologist (GG,GIA) servicing the greater Indianapolis area, I perform a detailed professional evaluation of your jewelry using current market driven guides, the NYSE metals market, as well as my 27 years of experience in the jewelry trade business. I evaluate all types of fine jewelry, watches, diamonds and gemstones for insurance, estate and liquidation appraisals. I welcome jewelry made from precious metals such as gold, platinum, silver and palladium as well as diamonds, pearls and all colored gemstones. Vintage/antique, modern, designer and one of a kind jewelry are all acceptable. I also welcome your questions about the items you own. I am happy to sit down with you to evaluate each piece and advise which pieces to appraise. I can also help with liquidation. I feel that jewelry is personal and sentimental. Often there are stories and history attached to each item you own. Jewelry is an extension of one's self and therefore I feel strongly that detailed and methodical care should be taken when performing an appraisal. I also understand that an appraisal should not take forever, and because I'm not in a retail operation, but an independent focused on appraisals, I can usually meet your expectations in timeframe. Please explore this site to learn more about me, the various types of appraisals and the process of appraising. Finally, get in touch with me through the contact page or set up an appointment via the appointment page. I look forward to meeting you and assisting you with all of your appraisal needs.